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Paid ads that convert

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What is online advertising?

To genuinely comprehend paid advertising, let us look at the nature of online advertising.

Online advertising, also called digital or internet advertising is a form of marketing strategy to attract website and platform traffic and facilitate exposure to the desired audience through the internet. In simpler terms, it delivers marketing information to prospective clients through the internet to inform or invoke emotions to take actions like purchase, subscribe, etc.

There are several forms and subcategories of online advertising that can be alone or in a combined form.

Paid Advertising

Paid ads or paid advertising is an online advertising model that involves paying for a slot on social media platforms like Facebook, Search engines like Google and Bing, or accounts with colossal engagement and following (influencers) for exposure. Usually, paid ads are run on a platform with huge user interaction, increasing the chances of lead generation, visibility, sales, clicks, or awareness.

Paid ads are of different categories ranging from search ads displayed on the user’s search result. They pop up whenever a user search contains related words to the ad campaign. It is very effective and can reach the desired audience needing a particular product or service available near them.

Whether you are looking to deploy search ads, use the Google display network, or take advantage of general digital marketing, our team is here for you. We understand that you seek to make the most out of your digital marketing budget and seek to obtain the right return on investment for your ad spend. Whether you want to conduct search advertising, social media ads, or comprehensive paid search advertising, our team at Waller Digital is here for you.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

As an advertising model, pay-per-click (PPC) lets marketers place ads on a platform and pay the host of the said platform when their ads are clicked. The goal of these ads is to traffic the user to your website or app, where they will then complete a valuable action such as completing a purchase.

PPC advertising isn’t a shotgun approach. You must carefully target your market and ensure the right advertisement ends up in front of the right users. This is where Waller Digital comes in. We make sure your ads are creative, engaging, and properly targeted.

With Waller Digital, you’re not just getting a design team. You’re building your campaign from the ground up, focusing on everything from development to list segmentation to analytics. Whether you are looking to increase your brand awareness or implement a paid advertising strategy that converts users over time, our team of experts can conduct PPC over various paid advertising channels.

Search engine marketing

Professional Paid Advertising In Northwest Arkansas

We Are A Local Business With Local Values. We Know How To Best Target An Audience And Get Your Ads In Front Of Those That Will Convert.

Instagram Ads

Instagram rewards its paying advertisers with boosted reach and more targeted oversight. By leveraging Instagram’s advertising platform, Waller Digital can get your sponsored posts in front of your target audience, boosting your reach and driving more traffic to your profile and website.

Facebook Ads

Facebook’s advertising platform is a force to be reckoned with. With some of the most detailed metrics available to advertisers, Waller Digital can segment and target even the most fine-tuned user lists.

With over 2.89 billion users on the platform, Facebook marketing is one of the most rewarding strategies a company can employ. With Waller Digital, you will be sure to make the most of your Facebook marketing strategy.

Google Ads

Google sees 5.6 billion searches a day, making it the leading source of potential traffic on the web. Leveraging their Google Ads is not just a good marketing strategy; it’s an essential tool for driving traffic and conversions.

Waller Digital are experts in crafting engaging Google Ads that convert. With some of the best targeting tools available online, a Waller Digital Google Ad campaign will see your traffic grow exponentially.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is an oft-overlooked source of advertising traffic, but that’s where we come in. At Waller Digital we understand the importance of covering all your bases.

The platform has over 660 million registered users and holds one-third of all B2B ad spending in the U.S. With numbers like that; you can’t afford to overlook this platform.

See your ads perform!

Contact us today to boost your traffic and conversions

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