Luke Waller
June 14, 2021 Marketing 0 Comment

TikTok has grown rapidly during the past year, raising the question of how businesses should be using TikTok and what content they should be creating for the social media platform.  TikTok has revealed that they have nearly 100 million monthly users.  Over half of these active users are between the ages of 10-29.  If your customer base falls within this age range and you have the ability to create content, you should consider leveraging this social media platform.  

If you decide that your company should start creating content on TikTok, here is a guide to creating your first TikTok video.

  1. Download the app and create a business account

TikTok can be found on any of the major app stores and is very easy to download.  Once you have downloaded the app, you need to start creating your account.  TikTok will walk you through creating a personal account.  Once you have created your account, you need to go to the “Me” page and click the 3 dots in the top right of your screen.  Now that you are on the Settings and privacy page, you need to click on the following buttons in the order that they are listed.

  • Manage account
  • Switch to Pro Account
  • Business

Now that you have followed these steps, your business TikTok account is ready to go.

  1. Choosing what to post

Choosing what to post can be one of the harder parts of creating TikTok content.  On TikTok in order to gain visibility, you need to be keeping up with the trends and creating videos with the trending sounds and filters.  The easiest way to keep up with what is trending is to go to your “For You Page” and scroll through the videos.  After a while, you will see the same songs, dances, filters, and types of videos.  Your business should try to integrate your products into videos like these, in a natural way.  

Once your business has built up a following your business can try to create its own challenges.

  1. Posting your first video

Now that you know what type of video you want to post, it is time to film.  There is no need for using high quality video equipment.  The purpose of TikTok is to create fun and authentic videos that truly show who your company is about.  The majority of videos that have high numbers of views or go viral on TikTok are filmed on an iPhone camera.  Once your video is recorded you should come up with a fun caption and relevant hashtags to place on your video.  

You and your company are now ready to start creating videos on TikTok.  Remember to post consistently, have fun, and expect that it may take some time before you begin to see results.  But remember, this is part of building your brand, not necessarily converting traffic.